Monday, May 16, 2011

Essential Lavender - Always in the Mix

Mom, Tryssie said, sampling essential oils and offering her own unsolicited commentary, I know essential lavender oil is supposed to be calming and soothing and all, but it smells more like comatose. Tryssie's signature fragrance review line: "essential lavender smells like grandma and the bridge club." She does not intend the line as criticism, more like very precise and vivid reporting, and certainly delivered with proper homage to the queens of three-no-trump. For today's post-modern emerging woman, lavender probably does seem sadly twentieth century.

I explained, however, one need not make this oil the leading ingredient, but one really ought, always, to include it in the mix. Yes, even if we concede lavender evokes all things Victorian and quite a few things Eisenhower, we must acknowledge that lavender shared Victoria's secret-appear prim and innocent, but pack a potent wallop. Among the essential oils, lavender rivals all the best in medicinal and therapeutic applications and benefits. Even Wendell, our Wonder Dog, has experienced and benefitted from its soothing effects. essential oil beginners must learn that lavender, and its sister chamomile, calm and soothe everything. Experts act on the principle, if it needs calming and soothing, lavender and chamomile are there. In pillow sprays-essential lavender is essential. After-cleanse skincare-must have lavender in the mix. Unruly dry hair-lavender ranks number one as your go-to oil. Of course, lavender dominates the sachets in your drawer full of "intimates"; no one wants anxious and unruly drawers.

Essential lavender in "Complementary Medicine"

Naturopaths rely on essential oil in treatment of neurological disorders. Sounds serious, Tryssie volunteers, and I agree that essential lavender can serve as serious medicine. Relying on essential lavender for inhalation therapy, naturopaths use it to treat severe headaches-including migraines and they have found it works extremely well for treatment of the entire constellation of pre-menstrual symptoms. Aches and cramps abate, exhaustion and fatigue lift, and irritability softens to grudging tolerance. Although massage therapists confess lavender has only limited benefit, strictly speaking, for serious skin disorders, they insist on its value in promoting intimacy and the power of a healing touch. In other words, lavender has little topical-biochemical effect on eczema or acne, but healing massage promotes recovery from the inside out. Mothers, if your child suffers a serious skin disorder or you are battling measles and chicken pox, healing massage promotes rapid recovery by enhancing children's sense of love, affection, and safety.

Rigorous Clinical Studies of Essential lavender

The University of Maryland, the nation's leader in strict clinical research for "complementary medicine," determined essential lavender substantially contributes to control and relief of post-operative o oxygen to one half of the group and oxygen alone to the other half. All twenty-five patients in the experimental lavender group reported considerably higher satisfaction with the facility's pain management regime than patients in the control group. Researchers also reported patients in the experimental group recovered and were ready for discharge sooner than patients in the control group.

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