Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Top 5 Aromatherapy Oils for Beginners

Aromatherapy is the art and science of using essential oils (oils extracted from plants) for a healthy benefit. Because aromatherapy can be done as a self-help technique, it can be used for a variety of common health issues. Below is a list of the Top 5 essential oils that beginners can use for common issues.

Eucalyptus -- Eucalyptus Globulus
Eucalyptus has a stimulating smell that clears congestion. It has a long history and is common in many of today’s over-the-counter cold preparations. It is a powerful antiseptic which reportedly kills airborne germs. It is excellent in vaporizers during cold and flu season.

Lavender -- Lavandula Augustifolia
Lavender has a mild fragrance and is often used in potpourri, soaps, & talcs. It is a gentle oil that may be applied directly to the skin. It is excellent for use on burns. Lavender is widely known for its relaxation properties. It is an excellent stress reducer.

Peppermint -- Mentha Piperita
The distinctive smell of peppermint is widely recognized. This essential oil should not be used internally or directly on the skin. It is a very potent inhalant which contains menthol which clears the head and stimulates thinking. Also, it has traditionally been used for nausea, headaches and fatigue. It makes an excellent foot massage when mixed with carrier oil.

Rosemary -- Rosmarinus Officinalis
Rosemary has a long history and has been valued as sacred and religious oil. It has antiseptic properties. Rosemary is a powerful physical and mental booster and is often used in “Wake Up” blends.

Tea Tree Oil -- Melaleuca Alternifolia
Tea Tree oil has a very distinct, medicinal-like smell. It may be applied directly to the skin. It is exceptional for use on cuts, acne, warts, and other skin/fungal infections. It may be added to shampoo as head lice or flea repellent.

Marian Brown has been active in holistic health care for over 15 years. She is editor of Holistic Health News Visit our site at http://www.hhnews.com to join our free email newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marian_Brown

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