Friday, July 31, 2009

Essential Lavender Oil - 5 Great Ways to Use It!

Essential Lavender Oil is the #1 Oil sold by Aromatherapists around the world. It is the very first choice that the general public chooses and which aromatherapists recommend the most.

What is the reason for this phenomenon?

Why is Essential Lavender Oil the most loved oil?

What distinguishes it from the rest of the essential oils?

Essential Lavender has been the most popular since the beginning of the ages as far as we can trace it. The Greeks and Romans perfumed their baths with Lavender and it was a popular facial water between the 14th and 19th Centuries.

It was also burned as incense to the gods & goddesses and carried during the plague to ward off the diseases which were so prevalent.

The name Lavender comes from the Latin verb meaning "to Wash." Lavender was essential to everyday living. It is even believed to ward off the evil eye.

Essential lavender oil blends well with many other Essential Oils also such as: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Clove, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Juniper Berry, Lemon, Lemongrass, Linden Blossom, Mandarin, Marjoram, Melissa, Myrrh, Neroli, Niaouli, Orange, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Peppermint, Pine, Rose, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Tea tree, Vetivert and Ylang Ylang.

Some of Essential Lavender Oil properties are: It is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-septic, anti-rheumatic, a cell regenerator and a disinfectant.

I would like you to note this very carefully. Most aromatherapy books and web sites say that you can use Lavender oil and/or Tea tree oil undiluted on the skin. This is what is known as a neat application. BUT the big surprise is that they are finding more and more people are becoming sensitized to these mild oils because they were not diluted in a suitable carrier oil.


Essential Lavender Oil can be used for so, so many things, I cannot write them all down in one article. But because of its diversity and the ability to be sedating or stimulating depending on its dosage this has made it the number #1 oil in aromatherapy.

Now, how can you use Essential Lavender Oil? I will tell you 5 ways as I promised

  1. Essential Lavender Oil can be used in a candle light diffuser. Simply add 3-4 drops in some water on the top and light the candle underneath.
  2. Essential Lavender Oil can be placed on a cotton ball and placed inside your pillow at night for sweet, relaxing dreams
  3. Essential Lavender Oil can be added to your evening bath by adding it to a teaspoon of carrier oil or honey. 10 drops per bath is about right.
  4. Essential Lavender Oil can be added to a Tissue Kleenex and then stick it on a fan. The fan will cause the Essential Lavender to permeate the immediate area. This is great if you are stressed out.
  5. Lastly, for this article, Essential Lavender Oil can be added to 15ml of carrier oil and massaged gently into your skin. If you can get a loving partner to do it for you then it will be even more relaxing.
Tag : lavender,essential lavender oil,lavender oil,lavender flower

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fragrant, Flowering Lavender Herb Growth and Care in Low Water Gardens

Lavender is an aromatic herb grown for centuries and appreciated for its fragrant, purplish blue flowers. These small, drought-tolerant shrubs take full sun to partial shade outdoors. They can take moderate water, but can also survive in low water gardens once established (usually after a year). The flowers bloom on long, square-shaped stalks and buds can be up to two inches long.

Lavender leaves are also strongly fragrant and can be sticky with essential oils. The flowers are great in fresh bouquets. They can also be used for flavoring in salads or vinegars. Dried bouquets and flowers are used in crafts and as home decor.

Mature lavender plants have narrow green or gray green needle shaped leaves on woody branches. They are great in rock gardens, dry herb gardens or as low, informal hedges. They add structure to the landscape with their evergreen leaves and are a good height for the middle of the flower bed. Mix lavender shrubs in with other drought tolerant herbs like rosemary and sage to enjoy their fragrance on hot summer nights.

Two of the more popular home garden forms are French lavender (Lavandula dentata) and English lavender (lavandula angustifolia, l. officinalis). French lavender reaches 3 to 4 tall and 4 to 6 feet wide and is more drought tolerant with more compact flowers. English Lavender plants are smaller, reaching only about 2 feet high and wide. The English variety is known to be shorter-lived (3 to 5 years), but is considered to have a more complex fragrance.

After the second year or so, lavenders can develop a dry thatch, or collection of dry leaves on the inside of the shrub. The plant can also become leggy, meaning it has long spindly branches. This means it is time to prune back your plants. Fall is usually the best time to do this, especially in mild winter areas. Trim the branches way back; to about 10 inches long. The next spring your lavender will grow back thick and fresh.

The intoxicating scent of lavender has been used in love potions, perfumes and soaps for centuries. It is also credited with the ability to promote chastity. It has been worn to elevate moods and used in aromatherapy to cure nervous depression. In Victorian times a gift of lavender flowers could mean either loyalty or mistrust. Modern science has discovered that lavender oil has antispasmodic, antidepressant and carminative properties.

Lavender is a great insect and moth repellent. In the past it was used as a 'strewing herb' in hospitals and homes to disinfect and clear the air. Dried lavender blossoms make excellent potpourri and can be tied up in cotton fabric before being tucked into drawers or linen closets. The branches are also highly fragrant and can be layered into woodpiles to keep out bugs.

Lavender plants are another beautiful addition to any water-wise garden and provide fragrant flowers for the home almost all year.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Magic and Many Uses of Lavender Oil

Lavender oil had been used for thousands of years and was popular in the Roman baths. There are many uses for lavender oil, which here is the editor's favorites.

1) To relieve menstrual pain, massage your lower back and abdomen with diluted lavender oil. Lavender is a natural anti-inflammatory and it contains pain-relieving properties making this essential oil a natural for menstrual pains. It also balances your spirits.

2) Lavender oil is a very good way to promote relaxation and even soothe headaches.

3) If you are discovering the summer season to be rather a hectic time, you may want to consider slowing down and helping yourself find balance with the use of a high-grade lavender essential oil. You can expect restful and utterly relaxing sleep accompanied by vivid dreaming as a result of the intoxicating lavender oil.

4) Rub lavender oil on the feet for a calming effect on the whole body.

5) Rub lavender oil on dry or chapped skin for a hydrating boost.

6) If you're interested in natural protection from mosquito bites, try lavender essential oil, diluted in a base of some other kind of oil, say for instance, jojoba oil or grape seed oil.

7) Hair and Skin-Just a little Lavender

After shampooing your hair, make your own rinse to help dull or oily hair. Take a jug of mineral water, a few drops of lavender oil and add fresh lemon juice. Let mixture set to blend. Rub into hair and scalp after shampoo is rinsed out thoroughly. Massage scalp into roots of hair and work your way to the end. Rinse out in 10 minutes.

8) Lavender helps to balance production of oils and prevents scarring.

9) Treat pimples by dipping a cotton ball or Q-tips dabbing them lightly am or pm with lavender oil until the problem is resolved.

10) Lavender also soothing for sunburn

As always consult your physician before using any herbal remedies.

Tag : lavender,lavender oil,lavender essential,lavender plant

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Essential Oils and Burns - Why Many People Choose Therapeutic Grade Lavender Essential Oil

The essential oil of lavender is one of many natural and pharmaceutical products available for treating burns. It is my treatment of choice, and has been the treatment of choice for a number of people since the ancient Egyptians, if not before.

An Example

Recently, a friend emailed me to ask what essential oil I might recommend for first and second degree burns on his face. He had been out burning tree branches, when he became careless and got too close.

People who have studied essential oils for any length of time have learned that the highest choice for burns of any kind is a pure, therapeutic grade lavender essential oil.

Why Lavender?

A therapeutic grade of lavender essential oils is made up of over a hundred different compounds that do more than just help with burns.

1. One of these compounds has analgesic (pain relieving) properties.

2. Another compound in lavender gives it antiseptic properties.

3. Some medical doctors - mostly in Europe and Ecuador - also use lavender to prevent scarring.

4. The bottom line is that the constituents in lavender oil have many healing properties.

How to Use It

There are a number of ways to use lavender essential oil on such a burn, and here are three ways that come to mind first.

1. Diluting therapeutic grade lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia) with a high quality, organic vegetable oil 50:50 and applying it on the burn.

2. With therapeutic grade lavender essential oil, some people would not dilute it at all.

3. Putting therapeutic grade lavender essential oil in a spray bottle with purified water and spritz on.

Two Cautions

Before you go out and buy the first bottle of lavender essential oil that you can find, there are two extremely important cautions you should know about, because there are two types of "lavender" oils that can make burns WORSE.

1. Lavender that has been adulterated with synthetic chemicals. This includes the "lavender" that says "pure" on the label, but according to U.S. law, might have as little as 5% lavender and who knows what else as the other 95%.

2. Lavandin that has been labeled as lavender, or even mixed with lavender. Lavandin, because of its camphor content, will make burns worse!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Essential Oils - Lavender - A "Rescue Remedy" known as the Swiss Army Knife Among Essential Oils

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is in the mint family of botanical plants. The name Lavender comes from the Latin lavare, meaning "to wash." The Romans used to scent their bath water with the fragrant flowers of this plant. Lavender has a long history as a healing agent for both body and mind. Hildegard of Bingen spoke highly of its use and recommended it for many ailments. The English lavender or "true lavender," has the most medicinal properties among the various varieties. Today lavender is a popular oil in the perfume industry and is used in a host of products including skin care. Lavender will be one of your most used healing oils, it is truly an oil of calmness.

Why is Lavender Considered a Universal Healing Oil?

Lavender is good for just about everything. The most celebrated use of lavender is for burns. René Gattafossé, the father of aromatherapy suffered a severe burn over most of his body and used Lavender oil to heal his wounds without scarring. Lavender oil is also good for other skin conditions and insect bites and stings. It is good for repelling lice as well. Lavender can help problems like colic, irritable bowel, menstrual pain, and muscular stiffness and aching. Its antiseptic properties make it an effective treatment for flu, bronchitis and pneumonia and it may help with genital-urinary infections when added to bath water. Lavender has been called "a universal healing oil." Lavender oil calms and stabilizes the mind and heart bringing about a sense of equilibrium. It can ease nervous tension and decrease feelings of panic and hysteria. In this regard, it is a wonderful "rescue remedy" calming strong emotions that threaten to overwhelm the person. Lavender is helpful in lifting sadness and depression. For emotional healing, it can be used to encourage security, gentleness, compassion, reconciliation, vitality, clarity, comfort, acceptance, awareness, and emotional balance.

Lavender mixes well with Roman and German chamomile, lemon, geranium, eucalyptus, thyme linalool, rosemary, tea tree, peppermint, grapefruit, clary sage, palmarosa, juniper, cypress, pine, angelica, marjoram, cedarwood, bergamot, lemongrass, and ravensara.

As for application, lavender can be diffused, inhaled with steam, used with warm compresses, and applied neat (undiluted) on the body at places of discomfort. It can be used as an anointing oil for the brow, hands, feet and energy centers. It can be applied to the healers hands and run through the energy field to clear stagnant energy and to calm fears. Lavender is non-toxic, non-irritating and non-sensitizing. Want to learn more about the healing properties of lavender and other essential oils? Consider becoming a certified aromatherapist. Educational courses in healing energy and aromatherapy can help you understand how essential oils heal the body/mind/spirit. The Institute of Spiritual Healing & Aromatherapy is teaching courses on the healing properties of essential oils throughout the United States including lavender oil.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Many Wonders of Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil is created through a process of distillation of several species of lavender. There are two types of the oil, Lavender Flower Oil, which is clear oil and impenetrable in water, and Lavender Spike Oil that is concentrated from the Lavandula Latifolia aromatic plant.

Lavender oil is usually added to perfume products. It can also be used for aromatherapy to help soothe and aide relaxation. The fragrance of the oil is known to decrease stress. It may also be used in meditation sessions. Its components calm the mind and body, and encourage a feeling of stillness.

Lavender oil also helps in relieving tension and headaches when inhaled in the form of steam or applied to the skin. You can adjoin this with a vaporizer to care for a cough and respiratory illness. It can also serve as mosquito repellent when applied as a cologne or when included in lotions and hair products.

Supporters of alternative treatments say that lavender oil may provide first aid treatment for an array of ordinary illnesses. The thinned or pure oil solution can act as an antiseptic and pain killer when administered to minor burns and insect stings. Use only a small amount when applying it straight to the affected area. The best way to apply this is with the use of wet cotton wool padding to the affected region.

For curing sunburn and sunstroke, 10 drops of oil can be diffused in 25ml of base oil. Lavender oil when incorporated with chamomile is a treatment of eczema. To prepare a massage oil to soothe joint and muscle pain, 1ml of lavender oil should be incorporated to 1oz. of base oil and apply generously on the affected area.

To treat asthma or bronchitis, combine 1ml of lavender oil, 5 drops of chamomile oil and 10ml of base oil then apply this to the chest as a rub. If you want to use this as cure for head lice, use 5-10 drops of lavender oil and dilute it in water and lather it on the hair, you can use a few drops of pure lavender oil and apply it on a fine comb to remove nits.

Oral dosage is not to be administered to children. It can be used as topical solution to treat skin illnesses and injuries like minor cuts and chafes. It should not be applied on open wounds. For adults, lavender can be used in combination with herb tea. This can be used as vapor treatment for headache, depression and insomnia.

Herb medicines are used for strengthening the body and curing diseases. Herbs consist of active substances that can activate side effects and has a negative response to other medications and supplements. You must seek first the advice of health professionals before taking any herbal medicine. However, occurrence of side effects is uncommon but some build up allergies with lavender.

Tag : lavender essential oil,lavender,lavender oil,lavender roesearomatherapy

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Versatile Lavender and Holistic Health

You are probably familiar with the aromatic fragrance
of lavender used in soaps, shampoos, and perfumes.
However, you may not fully appreciate its versatility
as an herbal medicine.

Historically, lavender has been highly valued
by herbalists for its ability to relieve headaches
and calm nervous tension. Modern research has
shown lavender oil to be an effective antiseptic,
promoting healing of burns, wounds, and sores.
It can also reduce the pain and inflammation of
insect bites. The fragrant scent of lavender
comes from the oil in the blue-violet flowers that
can be used fresh, dried, or steam distilled (to
extract the essential oil).

Lavender was recommended in nineteen of Edgar Cayce's
readings for a variety of effects. The medical prescriptions of lavender
are generally related to its calming and restorative qualities.
A combination of lavender and witchhazel was recommended for
use in a fume bath in two cases involving excessive muscular tension
and nerve exhaustion. Several Cayce readings suggest that
the aroma of lavender can aid with attunement during meditation.
Here are some practical tips for using lavender to improve
your mental and physical well-being:

  • Soak up lavender by placing a few drops of lavender in your bath water.
  • Inhale its healing fragrance by putting a drop or two of lavender oil on a lamp or diffuser designed specifically for aromatherapy.
  • Absorb lavender oil through your skin when you get a massage. It is best to mix it with another oil such as olive oil. When prescribed by Cayce for massage, it was always mixed with other oils. As with any oil, it is always a good idea to test a small area first to minimize the risk of allergic reaction.
  • If you feel a headache coming on, massage lavender oil into the forehead and temples (but away from the eyes).
  • For cuts, bruises, and insect bites, drop lavender oil directly onto the skin.
  • To reduce insomnia, sprinkle a few drops on a pillow at bedtime.
  • For nervous exhaustion or depression, consider lavender tea which can be made from the dried lavender flowers (1 1/ 2 tsp. flowers to 8 oz. water) which can be drunk up to four times a day.
Remember, more is not necessarily
better. Use essential oils sparingly to
achieve maximum benefits.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

How To Use Lavender In Your Daily Life?

Lavender essential oils and lavender blend are easy to find in local store or online market. They come in variety products such as for bath spa, massage, or for healing properties.

Lavender essential oil is one of the most commonly used in aromatherapy. It has a pleasant aroma, healing properties, and also it is easily blended with other essential oils to provide for maximum effect.

Lavender and lavender blend essential oils can be used for :

Mosquito bite, just apply lavender oil on the skin. It will stop the inflammation and skin irritation, also reduce the chances of further swelling and redness.

Soak in soothing bath can give your muscles relax. Adding lavender to a soothing bath makes an enormous difference. It will soothe your skin and mind, relax you, and invigorate your skin.

Highly recommended for the nervous system relieving depression, anxiety and insomnia. Best if you use a lavender and lavender blend essential oil into a massage. lavender massage oil relaxes the muscles and tissues.

Foot spa bath is also best if using lavender and lavender blend essential oils. You can add it to foot scrub for a cramped feet or foot lotion with a message for relaxing tired feet.

For Hair care you can add two to four drops to your hairbrush and brush your hair. Lavender it s believed to stimulate hair growth and its antibacterial properties can help eliminate scalp conditions.

You can even use the lavender as a perfume behind the ears if you are allergic to perfumes.

For all skin care due to its powers of rejuvenation and balancing effects. Helps to heal burns, sunburn, acne, boils, bruises, eczema, psoriasis and wounds and sores of all descriptions.

You can’t go wrong when using lavender and lavender blend essential oils. It is easily absorbed by the skin, and soothes the deeper layers of it. Lavender can be also used in cases when you burn your skin, as long as the wound is not open, there should be no problem. It heals the burns effectively. If you have a dry skin, Use just a little bit of the lavender to bring moisture back to the skin. Or you can blend it in lotion to keep your skin nice and moist.

Lavender essential oil can be used neat, meaning without diluting it in carrier oil, but it must be done in small amounts and only for minor skin problems. However, it is advised to dilute lavender with a vegetable carrier oil such as olive oil, jojoba, sweet almond oil, etc, just to make sure that your skin don’t have an allergic reaction.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Calming Lavender

Lavender, also known as Lavandula angustifolia is better known for its aromatherapy benefits, soothing, calming, relaxing, and stimulating. Medicinally, Lavender is an antitumoral, an analgesic, an anti-inflammatory and prevents the build-up of sebum, a skin oil that bacteria feed on. The French Scientist Rene Gatefosse was the first to discover lavender’s ability to promote tissue regeneration and speed wound healing when he severely burned his arm in a laboratory accident. Today, Lavender is still one of the few essential oils to still be listed in the British Pharmacopeia. Lavender is one of the few floras that is the least allergenic, yet so versatile that it can be used in body moisturizers, candles, and soaps. It is most certainly a spa favorite and commonly used during aromatherapy massages.

Lavender angustifolia is also known as Lavender, English Lavender, or True Lavender. It is a small, herbaceous to semi-woody, semi-evergreen perennial or perennial herb that you might see along walkways, raised walls, or borders. It is also often referred to as the “queen of herbs” for gardens.

Lavandula translates as “to wash” referring to an extract of Lavender being used as an oil in the bath. Angustifolia translates as “narrow-leaved”.

In the kitchen, Lavender is an incredibly versatile herb for cooking. English Lavender (lavandula angustifolia) has the sweetest fragrance of all the lavenders and is one most commonly used in cooking. For salads, the lavender flowers add a beautiful color. The spikes and leaves of lavender can be used in most dishes in place of rosemary in most recipes. Use the spikes or stems for making fruit or shrimp kabobs. Just place your favorite fruit on the stems and grill.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Choose Your Lavender Oil Use

Lavender pure essential oil is native to the Mediterranean. It grows in open fields and on mountain slopes, giving off an intense aroma when it blooms. It is not primarily grown and harvested in Provence. The most potent form of Lavender is the oil. And the finest oil is distilled from Lavandula Officinalis. This variety only grows at altitudes above 3000 feet. Below are listed some of the lavender oil uses.

Therapeutic Effect

The 3 best known active ingredients in Lavender are geraniol, cineole, and coumarin.

Lavender helps with certain Conditions

For skin irritations: Lavender water promotes good circulation in the skin. You can either buy the lavender water already mixed and made, or make your own. I personally make my own, as I can control the amount of lavender oil used. If you make your own, add 3 drops of lavender oil to 1 quart of distilled water, and dab on daily.

For insomnia: Lavender has a calming effect, which can help a person relax under stress.
Put some lavender oil on a cloth, or aromatherapy stone, and put next to your bed. This will help you sleep at night.

For nerve pain: Lavender oil help relieve nerve pain caused by neuralgia, which is a recurrent pain along a nerve. Just mix 10 drops of lavender oil with 2 tablespoons of St. John's Wart oil and rub into affected area.

Each person will have their own lavender oil use. Some for relaxation, some for pain, others for improvement of their skin. In any case, lavender pure essential oil is a very handy oil to have in your house.